The Make US Strong Campaign has been gathering momentum for a few weeks now, with General Castellaw’s explanation of how international development keeps us strong garnering thousands of views, and word about our efforts spreading through social media.

Today, we’re rolling out three new features on the site:

  • If you’re reading this, you know about the first one: we’ve launched our blog! We’ll be regularly posting about the progress of our campaign, and will talk about new and ongoing international development issues. Stop by regularly, or subscribe to our RSS feed, to see how our campaign is progressing.
  • Cycle for Security Tour. In February, to spread the word about how international development keeps America safe, Janessa Goldbeck will be going on a 4,200-mile, eleven-state-and-one-Federal-district bike tour across America. Along the way, Janessa will speak with decision makers, activists, and the media about this important issue, and will write and video-blog along the way about her journey. You can learn more about Janessa and her upcoming trip in the new Cycle for Security section of the site.
  • Resources and Information. Our Learn More section will feature helpful facts and information about international development that help make the case that international development is key to America’s security and prosperity. The section currently features a slideshow that lists some of the many ways international development makes us strong, and will feature even more resources as they are developed.
Want to stay up to date on our efforts? Join our mailing list, and we’ll let you know about campaign events and successes, as well as how you can help win the fight to protect international development.