Last Friday, May 4, Janessa Goldbeck concluded her 4,200 mile, coast-to-coast solo bicycle tour. We were so thrilled that Janessa’s final event coincided with the Truman Project’s annual conference, and that the entire Truman community was able to share in celebrating Janessa’s successful tour and safe return to Washington D.C. Below are Janessa’s remarks from the [...]
Continue Reading →Originally posted on May 4, 2012 on the ONE Campaign’s Blog.
Janessa Goldbeck from the Make US Strong campaign reports on her 4,200-mile trip across the country:
Three months ago, I set off from San Diego on what felt like the world’s heaviest bicycle with [...]
Continue Reading →Get ready Washington, DC. Here she comes.
Janessa checks in with us after crossing the border into Virginia….we’re ready, and waiting, Janessa!
Continue Reading →I got into Atlanta earlier than anticipated – the rolling hills of Georgia were in my favor that day, and most of the rolling was downhill. With a few hours until I was supposed to give a talk at Emory, I hung out on the back porch with Dar, the friend who was generously hosting [...]
Continue Reading →As Cycle For Security’s Janessa Goldbeck makes her way up the eastern seaboard, she continues to make headlines. Today, Janessa was featured live on the CBS Better Morning’s Atlanta show. Watch Janessa make the case that international development keeps America safe and strong.
Janessa will hold an event tonight at 6:00 pm at Parish Market featuring [...]
Continue Reading →Savannah, Georgia is a lot of things at once – leafy yet urban, classical but edgy, sleepy in the squares and bumpin’ in the bars. So I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when my meeting with a staffer who works for Representative Jack Kingston (R-GA) – a congressman who voted FOR the Ryan [...]
Continue Reading →Check out Janessa’s interview with ABC and FOX in Savannah that aired on last night’s evening news and today’s morning show. Janessa tells the Make US Strong message to Savannahians: At less than 1 % of the federal budget, international development keeps America safe.
Continue Reading →It’s official: I’ve biked across the continental United States and I’ve finally made it to the Altantic Ocean. Check out my video below.
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See the vid of @JGoldbeck reaching the Atlantic Ocean after riding all the way across the USA. #makeusstrong
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Great event last week – check out some photos below!
Mayor John Marks & I post event.
Representative Alan Williams addressing the crowd.
Leon County At-Large Commissioner Akin Akinyemi asking me about how we can change the way some Americans think about international development.
And, here I am!
Great crowd – students, veterans, electeds, and [...]
Continue Reading →Last night, I had an incredible event with over 60 Tallahassee natives: students, veterans, community members, and elected officials. The room was packed and I stood proudly alongside Mayor John Marks and Representative Alan Williams as we made our case that international development is vital to our nation’s security.
This was by far the [...]
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